Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debate tonight!

What are their strategies?

"Following the initial enthusiasm after they were picked a month back, Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Sarah Palin have seemed to compete for who can commit the worst mistakes - Palin for her poor oratory or Biden for his excessive oratory." (Earth Times)

"Joe should not go after her at all, but only after McCain... She should be very aggressive, but primarily toward Obama." (Newsweek)

Everyone's saying they both should concentrate on NOT making news. Hopefully, it won't be too subdued.

Here's a preview of what's to come...

Couric on Palin and Biden: CBS 10/01/08 (5:46)

The Moderator

The moderator is Gwen Ifill who "moderated the vice-presidential debate between Republican candidate Dick Cheney and Democratic candidate Senator John Edwards.

Ifill is also writing a book called, "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama."

Um, oops... So she did the last VP debates. Although she is a great journalist, it is pretty obvious where her loyalties lie. She is also financially vested in Obama winning because her book will sell more copies if he wins on Nov. 4th, the release date for her book.

The problem is that this debate is going to be just as much about her as it is the candidates. If she shows an ounce of favoritism towards Biden, Republicans will call foul and it will be called an unfair biased attack. Also potentially bad for Biden is that she may feel compelled to NOT show any bias toward him and may even be harder that expected on him.

Palin definitely has the advantage going into this because anything that makes her look bad can be easily blamed on either Ifill's love of Obama or Biden's condescending nature. And is't not that hard for Palin to do just that all by herself.

Ifill's potential Impact??? (4:02)

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