Monday, September 29, 2008

This week is week - I'm going after both

Yes, there is actually a source of information that is not partisan, not even in the background.


A McCain-Palin ad claims Obama has been "mum" on the economic crisis.

"That's false." [refering to the ad in general]

"95.5 percent of households with children would get a tax cut under Obama’s plan. And overall, 81.3 percent of all households would see a tax cut." Look at this previous post.

Here's the full analysis: Keeping Quiet?

Obama ad twists McCain's words on health care "deregulation."

"the full context reveals that McCain was referring narrowly to his proposal to allow people to purchase health insurance across state lines."

Here's the full analysis: Out of Context on Health Care

Obama's Stem Cell Spinning
September 30, 2008
His radio ad is wrong: McCain still supports federal funding for stem cell research.

Not Coming Clean on Coal
September 30, 2008
A McCain-Palin ad claims the Obama-Biden ticket opposes clean coal. Not true.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Yay, debate! Bipartisan, my ass!

There was no point for either Obama or McCain to be there. McCain may have started it, but Obama followed. They were not involved in the first place. Being presidential hopefuls, they couldn't just sit and be supporting and have the other guy be more involved and helpful. They should not have been let in because, although they both want to help, they both have something to prove. From msnbc...

"Sen. McCain has no need to be fearful about a debate," Obama told reporters. "He's a person of strong opinions and he's been expressing them on the campaign trail."

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, a McCain supporter, said the Republican made a "huge mistake" by even discussing canceling the debate.

"You can't just say, 'World, stop for a moment. I'm going to cancel everything,'" Huckabee told reporters Thursday night in Alabama before attending a benefit for the University of Mobile. He said it's more important for voters to hear from the presidential candidates than for them to huddle with fellow senators in Washington.

Trip to D.C.Both McCain and Obama had returned to Washington on Thursday at the urging of President Bush, who invited them to a meeting with congressional leaders at the White House. But a session aimed at showing unity in resolving the financial crisis broke up with conflicts in plain view.

McCain's campaign said the meeting "devolved into a contentious shouting match" and implied that Obama was at fault — on a day when McCain said he was putting politics aside to focus on the nation's financial problems.

Democrats differed, saying the refusal of McCain and other Republicans to support the plan worked out by congressional negotiators was creating a road block.

"The insertion of presidential politics has not been helpful," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Friday.

(Article: McCain will attend debate, campaign says msnbc)

Wanda Sykes on Jay Leno: Bailout & Palin (5:37)

Alternate bailout basic math SCREW UP!

"According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the resident population of the United States, projected to 09/26/08 at 19:51 GMT (EST+5) is
(Population Clock)

Children (people under age 18) made up one-fourth of the US population (24.6%) in 2006 (Wikipedia) Looks like that is still about the same.

So the over 18 population would be approx. 228,947,802.

85 Billion divided by 228,947,802 is $371... YES $371.00

Now, take the total 700 Billion and it would be $3057.


Candidates have negotiators wary (msnbc)

See the whole article here..

Some fear that politicking would interrupt progress on bailout effort

Just a couple of quotes from the article

"Given that it is only a few months before a new president takes the oath of office, it is vital that the next president play an active role in crafting this critical plan," said House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (Ohio).

"I really don't think we can give him a seat at the table unless Barack Obama is willing to join him," House Minority Whip Roy Blunt (Mo.) said before Obama's announcement

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) described it as a "gimmick." "I think McCain -- he's sort of floundering. He's been all over the place," he said. "I think his campaign doesn't know quite what to do. And because John McCain has never really paid attention to economic issues, it's lost on him. This is an example of how he would lead. He doesn't have a center."

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Matt Damon on Palin (1:40)

Dinosaur thing is not true. That and some other fake quotes are from a satirical opinion article in which Palin and Hillary trade put downs.

She never tried to ban books. Go to the 5:10 minute mark in this video...

See the full series of these interviews and comments in my previous post, I'm Done! (Palin)

5 Former Secretaries of State, advice to next president

Non-political (although Albright stepped out of line once, funny). They weigh in on what the issues the next president will have to deal with and how to go about it. You want a good summary of what are the most important issues for our country today? This is pretty good.

(Colin Powell, Madeline Albright, Warren Christopher, Henry Kissenger, and James Baker)

Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain/Obama's Tax plan

The McCain campaign keeps saying Obama will "raise your taxes." It is an outright lie. They say it is because of his voting history, but that is just taking his voting out of context like most political ads do without giving specifics. Like when Obama voted for raised taxes on oil companies by $300 million over 11 years while providing $5.8 billion in subsidies for renewable energy, energy efficiency and alternative fuels. (Factcheck)

I, for one, would like to pay $892 less in taxes as opposed to the $113 I would get under McCain. The funny thing is that people who make over $200,000 per year are usually involved in business and investments and, through tax write offs, don't actually pay much in taxes.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

PBS Vote: is Palin Qualified?

PBS is taking a poll which asks if Palin is qualified to be VP. Let your voice be heard! (really quick, just vote)

Gas and Elections

Ever notice how gas prices always drop before a presidential election? I've noticed the last three times. They are kept so high for so long that any reduction gives people a false feeling of relief, even though I remember being pissed 3 years ago when prices went above $3.20.

Inflation is "a decline in the real value of money.[2] When the general level of prices rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services... Inflation also shifts income from those on fixed incomes to those with variable incomes." (Wikipedia)

The value of your assets can be eroded by inflation. Inflation has also been described as a hidden TAX. The fancy word for this is fiscal drag, "the process where tax thresholds are either not adjusted for inflation, or fail to keep pace with earnings growth, causing in either case an automatic rise in tax revenues."

"When the expenses of the U.S. Government exceed the revenue collected, it issues new debt to cover the deficit. This debt typically takes the form of new issues of government bonds which are sold on the open market. However, the debt can also be monetized by which the Federal Reserve creates an entry on its books to credit the US Government for an amount equal to the dollar amount of the bonds the Federal Reserve is acquiring. The money created in this process not only includes the new dollars that came into existence just to purchase the bonds, but much more because this new money is now sitting in the form of checkbook money at the Federal Reserve. Under the scheme of Fractional Reserve Banking this new checkbook money is treated as an asset to lend against. Economists estimate the expansion of the money supply as being many times the amount of the initial money created with the exact amount being a function of what percentage of deposits banks must set aside as "reserves".[15][16]

"The ultimate consequence of monetizing U.S. debt is that it expands the money supply which will tend to dilute the value of dollars already in circulation. Thus, expanding the pool of money puts downward pressure on the dollar, downward pressure on short-term interest rates (the banks have more to lend) and upward pressure on inflation. Typically this causes an inflationary boom that ends in a deflationary bust to complete the business cycle." (Wikipedia: United States public debt, The mechanics of U.S. Government debt

Did you get that? The government makes a "checkbook entry." They create money. They do this when thay need/want to. Introducing more dollars, or currency, into an economy causes inflation. Wh pay more for the same products and services.

But that's what happens when inflation skyrockets under republican presidents who spend out of control...

Click image to enlarge

Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm Done! (Palin)

***Disclaimer: Highly politically charged material***

I'm done. I can't do it anymore. I have heard enough. Palin might be a nice person, a great mom and wife, but there is no way in hell she belongs in the White House as the Vice President and potentially the President of the US. I have an open mind to all the information available, and that information has lead me to my conclusion.

She has no concept of what is happening in this country. Economy, Foreign affairs, the state of the union... she has no clue! That is barely even acceptable for a Governor of one of our states. Before you tell me, "calm down" or "chill out, dude," please watch the first real comprehensive interview with Palin and abc's Charles Gibson on youtube. Here's Part one:

Part 1

My thoughts on Part 1

Question: What are her National security credentials? McCain says "commanding" the national guard and Alaska's proximity to Russia. She answers with explaining how she did energy reform, NOT her national security credentials.
She says past VPs might not have met any foreign nationals. Here's the last 6:

Dick Cheney had "international experience from his service as President Bush's defense secretary during the gulf war and President Ford's chief of staff." (Florida Times)

"Al Gore's experience with world affairs is one of his main selling points as a presidential hopeful" (CNN)

Dan Quayle was pretty much worthless and may not have met a foreign national.

George Herbert Walker Bush, before serving under Reagan... no question there "Mondale’s national and international experience provides him with unique insights to share..." (U of MN Conference)

Nelson Rockefeller, before serving under Ford, "fulfilled the functions of Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (CIAA, 1940-44), Chairman of the Inter-American Development Commission and Corporation (1940-47) and Assistant Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs (1944-45" (Wikipedia)

If you feel like researching more past VPs, feel free, but I think you get the idea.
Russia's invasion was unprovoked? Here is an article from the Guardian about the Georgia-Russia incident. Georgia attacked first! It would be kind of like Danny DeVito going up to a sleeping Arnold Schwartzneger and punching him in the balls. Georgia "awakened the sleeping giant." When you invade place where most of the citizens carry russian passports, Russia is going to kick your ass. Russia is very proud of the power they hold on this planet and, as we have seen throughout history, will readily use their military, especially on their OWN borders. Yes, they overreacted, but everyone knew they would. Georgia's move was outright stupid, but because they are a democratic ally, the majority of our media says it was Russia's fault. AND PALIN IS OK WITH GOING TO WAR WITH THEM! Aaaah!
I think if you are going to be dealing with nations on nuclear power/weapons issues, you should not pronounce nuclear as "nucular." I don't expect everyone to know the difference because it is a common error in the english language. But if you are potentially going to be the VP of the largest nuclear power in the world and are going to attempt to prevent others from having nuclear technology and producing WMDs, you should know how to pronounce it and probably even spell it.
If Israel wants to go to was with Iran, that's cool.

Part 2

OK, she just said our leaders are sending our military over to Iraq "on a task that is FROM GOD. Can anyone say, "Crusades." (Crusades (cru·sade) n. 1. often Crusade, Any of the military expeditions undertaken by European Christians in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims.

She said she would "never presume to speak Gods words." She said the task is one from God. That is speaking God's words!! Damn she is good at turning things around and not answering questions, I'll give her that!

Part 3

She talks about "the cyclical nature of our planet" and that she does see climate change in Alaska with the "ice packs melting." This is basic science. The warming and cooling of the earth. The earth has gone through large swings in temperature and climate change in the past. That past going back millions of years, and yet she does NOT believe in evolution. ???

Part 4

He asks for SPECIFICS about her and McCain's economic plans and all she does is generalize and deflect like she is so good at

Part 5

Wait, so is she for earmarks or against them? I can't tell. Can you?

Part 6

She's for adult stem cell research. Um, research. Um, science. Um, same as that evolution stuff? Maybe it's just me.

OK, she's not going to judge whether people think homosexuality is a choice or genetic. So she doesn't understand it at all but at least she's gotten this far. IF it's genetic, I wonder how that trait could have evolved?

"You start banning guns, and you start taking away guns from people who will use them responsibly." I actually agree with her stance on guns. I say let Americans have their choice to own guns, and let them also have their choice to have an abortion.

The book banning thing is basically false.

The trooper that almost got fired was an ass hole and should have been fired although he wasn't.

In summary, she is a very crafty speaker but she has no idea what she has gotten into. She ain't the devil, but the last place she belongs is anywhere in the White House.