Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tell Congress: No more secret scores

Credit bureau Experian's recent move means lenders can see FICO scores that you can't. That's just wrong, and the law needs to catch up with today's credit scoring practices... Full Article

Again, she gives resources to contact your congresspeople. I am keeping to my talk and have e-mailed and written Obama.

My next task will to write my representatives.

And Rediculous...

Injured good Samaritan ticketed for jaywalking
Man helped push 3 people out of path of pickup truck before being struck...

An Honest and Generous Banker!!!

At a time when bankers are being pilloried on Capitol Hill as heartless and greedy, Leonard Abess Jr. stands apart...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Piyush "Bobby" Jindal

Piyush "Bobby" Jindal's response to Obama's Tuesday's speech. He is the current Governor of the state of Louisiana.

The quote Jindal refers to, "we may not be able to reverse" from Obama's article in the Washington Post, is taken out of context. I thought it was a good speech until then. The context is as follows:

"Because each day we wait to begin the work of turning our economy around, more people lose their jobs, their savings and their homes. And if nothing is done, this recession might linger for years. Our economy will lose 5 million more jobs. Unemployment will approach double digits. Our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse."

This is disappointing. Jindal is "considered a rising star in Republican ranks and a likely 2012 presidential candidate." Why, then, is he using the old tactics that McCain and Palin used of using things Obama said out of context to make it seem that he said something completely different. At first, I was wondering why the Associated Press reported that "Insane. Childish. Disaster." were some of the "kinder" words used as critiques, but the speech has "drawn flak from Republicans and Democrats alike."

It would also be nice for our elected officials to know the history of the US a bit better. I suppose that Jundal would also criticise the formation of the FDIC, SEC, Social Security, FHA and programs formed around the time of Roosevelt's creation of the New Deal in the midst and aftermath of the Great Depression. Many of the New Deal programs of the New Deal were eventually killed by conservatives, but they were OK with Social Security and the other aforementioned ones. It is obvious to most that the government must intervine because of the very fact that inaction will lead to a situation "we may not be able to reverse."

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Obama Speech, Tuesday, Feb 24th

A Fiscal Summit? How responsible!

Obama talks to congresepeople about their group discussions! The 1997 Balanced Budget Negotiations talks were the last time something like this was done. No wonder the US's budget is screwed up. Everyone gets together to really discuss it once a decade!
Sure is nice to see the president intelligently discussing issues with everyone. The first person he called upon to talk about their discussion was John McCain!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Eric Holder calls America "a nation of cowards" - incites ...

Michael Eric Dyson says Eric Holder's remarks on race and black history were courageous.

In remarks delivered Wednesday to the Justice Department to commemorate Black History Month, Attorney General Eric Holder offered one of the most courageous and honest speeches on American race by a political figure in quite some time... Full Article

Oscars 2009: Wolverine shows his softer side

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Do Something About It

On the heels of Experian's move that now makes it impossible to know all three of your credit scores, here is a great article that addresses what we can do about it. The laws, regulations, and lack of protection in this country continue to errode the responsible consumer's ability to be treated fairly.

My apologies for this ultimatum-type statement, but if the way consumers are being treated pisses you off, do something about it! By making this statement to you, I now have a responsibility to walk the walk and take action myself. It's great that I let you know how screwed up the system is from time to time, it would be nice to do something about it. This article has fantastic real world solutions.

Whether you take action or not, this is one of the best articles I have seen because it gives a great explanation of where consumerism has brought us and and our only real recourse.

How Consumerism Hurts Consumers

"As businesses cheat us with hidden fees and crazy contract terms, our focus on beating 'the system' diverts attention from fixing it. But you can help change that." Full Article

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day from Experian!

Yes, Experian, the credit reporting agency, has a Valentine's Day gift for you.

On February 14th, you will

There are other agancies that give out credit scores, but only FICO scores are the ones that matter when it comes to getting a credit like a mortgage, car, or a credit card. For example, mortgage lenders go by your middle score. How do you know what your middle score is? You can't. Oh, wait, you can, but only by having a lender pull your credit, thereby putting a "ding" on your credit, which can lower your credit score.

In these hard economic times, it's great to know that we can be screwed over just once more by the credit industry.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Timothy Geithner lays out plan (3:20)

Obama's first prime-time address (59:07)

Why the CEO salary cap is a joke

The sighs of relief -- and celebrations -- on Wall Street should tell you that the limits on executive pay at bailed-out financial institutions are all but meaningless. Full Article...

Monday, February 9, 2009

No Telemarketers On Your Cell Phone

Cell phone numbers went public last week for telemarketers.

Call this number to register your number, it takes about 30 seconds!


You must be calling from the number you want on the "Do Not Call" list.

After 31 days, if you receive telemarketing calls, you can file a complaint:

To file a complaint, your phone number must have been on the registry for 31 days, you will need the date you got the call, and either the name or telephone number of the company that called you.

Stewart Renames Cheney

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Best article about Phelps and, umm, other stuff

Quit crying double-standard over Phelps

There is no bigger fan of racial double-standards than yours truly. But those of you looking for one inside Michael Phelps' bong are misguided, stuck in the 1960s and worship at the Church of Al Sharp-tongue... Full article