Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I feel sorry for republicans right now

Yes, I said it. I have gone that far.

Palin is the reason. An here are my reasons.

John McCain is presidential. If elected, he can run the country. I have no doubts about that, I just don't agree with the way he would run it. The point is that he is presidential material.

Barak Obama, if elected president, can do the job. Obviously there are those who don't like the way he would carry out the presidency, but he can do it.

If tragedy occurs and Joe Biden is called on to replace Obama as President, as he has said, he will continue Obama's policies. He can do the job too. There is no doubt of this, just that there are those that disagree with how he would do it.

Clinton, the Bushes, Kerry, Gore, Cheney, etc. Whether we agree with their politics or not, we all knew that they COULD run the country when they started running.

If Sarah Palin were to have to replace McCain as the President...

Yeah, just think about it.

She is ignorant of so many aspects of our country's issues and the rest of the world's issues. She does not belong there.

IF I WERE A REPUBLICAN, I would find offensive that my party was forcing this person down my throat and touting her to be this amazing pick. I would be mad and wonder how others in my party could actually be pleased and not disgusted. I would, of course vote for the McCain-Palin ticket, and just hope to God that John survives at least the next four years.

IF I WERE A REPUBLICAN WOMAN, I would also find it offensive that, of all the women to potentially be the first female vice president in history, a republican one at that and next in line for the presidency, my party picked one of the LEAST presidential women in politics today.

OK, I'm me again, not a republican or a woman anymore...

I listen to her talk and it infuriates me. I feel like she never actually answers a question with any modicum of intelligence and just spits out rhetoric. The people I really feel sorry for are those, republican or independent who actually just take her at her word and don't question her qualifications or knowledge. The sheep of society. The ones that automatically believe any ad they see on TV and allow the TV to vote for them.

I would say that I feel sorry for them if McCain and Palin win and after another 4 years they are even worse off. But I would not. It happens every time republicans get into office. They crap on the little people, like those making less than $250,000, 90% of the US population. They run up the national debt, don't give a damn about job losses, go to war, and give the rest of the world the idea that all "Americans" are just like them.

I would like to travel the world and be proud to say I am from the United States, but instead I feel the need to say "I'm from the US, but like the majority of our population, I don't like our president and did not vote for him" as a disclaimer or an apology for my country's failed leader. That is how I feel now and that is how I would feel if McCain and Palin win.

I feel like nobody in the international community likes us. We throw our military might around with no regard to international organizations and are at the forefront of screwing up the global economy. Republicans screw up the economy and Democrats balance the budget. It's like any republican president doesn't care because they are not the ones who are going to have to clean up the mess. If a Democrat comes in after, they'll spend most of their time fixing all the things the republicans messed up. Can we say "Clinton."

Refer to the blog entry Why Obama Will Win for more specifics.