Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April Fool's Virus Alert: no reason to panic

The Cupcake Indicator

5 signs of the recession's end.

It took the government a year to tell us the economy was in a recession; here's how to tell when we're out of it... Full Article

10 things credit card issuers don't say‏

Some of the card companies' little-known rules are costing you money -- and putting your credit, your identity and your family at risk... Full Article

13 Comfortable Homes Built from Recycled Shipping Containers

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Have your prayers done for you!

Information Age Prayer is a subscription service utilizing a computer with text-to-speech capability to incant your prayers each day. It gives you the satisfaction of knowing that your prayers will always be said even if you wake up late, or forget.

President's News Conference tonight - Watch here!!

Obama on Leno

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Yay... McCain goes after Ann Coulter!

His daughter Meghan, I mean.
Nice! She says it so well. I have recently been expressing my feelings about Ann to some of you, and Meghan's comments reflect what I have been saying, the're just appropriate for TV.
I also love Meghan's ARTICLE in the Beast.
Here's a good one...
"Maybe [Coulter's] popularity stems from the fact that watching her is sometimes like watching a train wreck."

Is your bank healthy? How to tell

A quartet of key data points will help you understand whether your savings account is at risk. Plus: How 4 big names stack up... Full Article

Volunteer Vacations on a Budget

You could pay a lot of money for the privilege of donating your labor to a worthy cause somewhere around the world on a volunteer vacation. Or you could just throw your sleeping bag in the car, drive to a nearby park, and for as little as $150, spend a week in the wilderness rebuilding trails with other nature-lovers... Full Article

All alone? Get a group discount

There are good deals in numbers, but being solo doesn't mean you have to miss out. Online opportunities expand the advantages of co-ops for buying cars, food, gas and more... Full Article

repoWEr America

100% Clean Electricity in 10 years

The state of California is ready to take action to reduce global warming pollution from cars, and 13 other states are ready too.

The opposition has their sights set on slowing this progress -- arguing that statewide actions won't work and claiming that automakers don't need any encouragement to make cleaner cars.

We can't let the special interests block this much-needed action.

Your voice will make a difference. There's not much time left in the public comment period -- send your comment to the EPA right now:http://www.RepowerAmerica.org/epawaiver

This is what I wrote in the "(Optional) Add a personal note." Feel free to use mine or embelish on your own:

The fact that we are the most powerful and advanced country in the world and we are still driving gas guzzling polluting vehicles is absolutely pathetic. We have had the technology and ability to advance the auto industry to having highly efficient and clean vehicles for a while.
The auto industry would not be in the trouble they are right now if they had just made the advancements available to them. How disgusting is it that our species is being held back by greedy people who lack the vision of a more advanced future.
You are the Environmental Protection Agency... so protect our environment! Show the "fat cats" with no vision or desire to improve themselves or the world that their stagnant ideals of keeping the status quo are out dated, stale, and, frankly, un-American!

Iraqi Reporter To Spend 3-Years In Jail For Throwing Shoe At Bush

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Dow Predicts The President's Performance

CNBC is a great financial advisor!
The Dow tells you how well the president is doing!
Why Rick Santelli is always right!
And other things that just AREN'T TRUE!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Sex and The Obamas

Sex in America: Can We Change The Conversation?

"... Who knows what really happens in the privacy of the Obamas' bedroom, but there is an unmistakable erotic tension that emanates from Michelle and Barack Obama..."