Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
So you're tellin' me there's a chance!!!
The best indicator of presidential winners for the last 20 years is Nickelodeon's "Kids Pick The President"!!!! (0:18)
Hate In America
Ohio Palin Rally from Al Jazeera (This one is heart breaking)
What do the voters really think... Skip to 5 min 15 sec (if you want to)
What do the voters really think... Skip to 5 min 15 sec (if you want to)
Baghdad's New Ferris Wheel

Good thing we keep sending money over there. That way they can use their own 80 billion for civic improvements
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Why Obama Will Win
(originally written Sept 24th, 2008)
This is my prediction. The time we are in now reminds me of the time just before Clinton was elected. It was after 8 years of Reagan and 4 years of Bush Sr. The economy had slumped into a recession, the national debt was out of control, and people were angry at the state of the union.Back then...
"In 1990, the American economy plunged into a recession. Factors contributing to the slump included rising oil prices following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, a sharp increase in interest rates, and declining availability of credit." (Nation Encyclopedia). Sound familiar? War, oil and credit.
As the next president serving from 1993-2001, "Clinton presided over the longest period of peace-time economic expansion in American history, which included a balanced budget and a reported federal surplus.[6][7] Based on Congressional accounting rules, at the end of his presidency Clinton reported a surplus of $559 billion." (Wikipedia)
The national debt was 400 Billion when Clinton started.
"After peaking at 7.5%, unemployment declined steadily throughout the early and mid-1990s, falling to 5.6% in 1995, 5.3% at the end of 1996, and in 1998, remaining below 5%. After 1993/94, inflation mostly remained under 3%. One exception to the generally moderate character of the economy was the stock market, which rose 60% between 1995 and 1997, buoyed by the combination of low unemployment and low inflation, as well as strong corporate earnings." (Wikipedia)
So now...
The Outstanding Public Debt as of 15 Oct 2008 at 10:47:11 PM GMT is:
"Long-term problems include inadequate investment in economic infrastructure, rapidly rising medical and pension costs of an aging population, sizable trade and budget deficits, and stagnation of family income in the lower economic groups. The merchandise trade deficit reached a record $847 billion in 2007. Together, these problems caused a marked reduction in the value and status of the dollar worldwide in 2007." (CIA Factbook)
"The unemployment rate rose from 5.7 to 6.1 percent in August[, 2008]."
(Sept. 05, 2008 US Dept of Labor)
"From January 2005 through December 2007, 3.6 million workers were dis-placed from jobs they had held for at least 3 years, the Bureau of LaborStatistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. The number of displaced workers was about the same as the level (3.8 million) recorded in the previous survey that covered the period from January 2003 to December2005." (Bureau of Labor Statistics) Gotta love consistency!
"Though U.S. unemployment is at its highest level since July 1994, it's still a lot lower than its peaks after recessions in the early 1980s [Reagan] and 1990s [Bush Sr.]." (
Democratic President = surplus + low unemployment + economic strength + peace
Republican President = deficit + high unemployment + recession + war
It's too bad we, as a nation, continually forget our past. Especially the parts we were even around for.
Um... tell me I'm wrong.
Interesting Factiod:
Since 1975, practically all the gains in household income have gone to the top 20% of households. (CIA Factbook)
I feel sorry for republicans right now
Yes, I said it. I have gone that far.
Palin is the reason. An here are my reasons.
John McCain is presidential. If elected, he can run the country. I have no doubts about that, I just don't agree with the way he would run it. The point is that he is presidential material.
Barak Obama, if elected president, can do the job. Obviously there are those who don't like the way he would carry out the presidency, but he can do it.
If tragedy occurs and Joe Biden is called on to replace Obama as President, as he has said, he will continue Obama's policies. He can do the job too. There is no doubt of this, just that there are those that disagree with how he would do it.
Clinton, the Bushes, Kerry, Gore, Cheney, etc. Whether we agree with their politics or not, we all knew that they COULD run the country when they started running.
If Sarah Palin were to have to replace McCain as the President...
She is ignorant of so many aspects of our country's issues and the rest of the world's issues. She does not belong there.
IF I WERE A REPUBLICAN, I would find offensive that my party was forcing this person down my throat and touting her to be this amazing pick. I would be mad and wonder how others in my party could actually be pleased and not disgusted. I would, of course vote for the McCain-Palin ticket, and just hope to God that John survives at least the next four years.
IF I WERE A REPUBLICAN WOMAN, I would also find it offensive that, of all the women to potentially be the first female vice president in history, a republican one at that and next in line for the presidency, my party picked one of the LEAST presidential women in politics today.
OK, I'm me again, not a republican or a woman anymore...
I listen to her talk and it infuriates me. I feel like she never actually answers a question with any modicum of intelligence and just spits out rhetoric. The people I really feel sorry for are those, republican or independent who actually just take her at her word and don't question her qualifications or knowledge. The sheep of society. The ones that automatically believe any ad they see on TV and allow the TV to vote for them.
I would say that I feel sorry for them if McCain and Palin win and after another 4 years they are even worse off. But I would not. It happens every time republicans get into office. They crap on the little people, like those making less than $250,000, 90% of the US population. They run up the national debt, don't give a damn about job losses, go to war, and give the rest of the world the idea that all "Americans" are just like them.
I would like to travel the world and be proud to say I am from the United States, but instead I feel the need to say "I'm from the US, but like the majority of our population, I don't like our president and did not vote for him" as a disclaimer or an apology for my country's failed leader. That is how I feel now and that is how I would feel if McCain and Palin win.
I feel like nobody in the international community likes us. We throw our military might around with no regard to international organizations and are at the forefront of screwing up the global economy. Republicans screw up the economy and Democrats balance the budget. It's like any republican president doesn't care because they are not the ones who are going to have to clean up the mess. If a Democrat comes in after, they'll spend most of their time fixing all the things the republicans messed up. Can we say "Clinton."
Refer to the blog entry Why Obama Will Win for more specifics.
Palin is the reason. An here are my reasons.
John McCain is presidential. If elected, he can run the country. I have no doubts about that, I just don't agree with the way he would run it. The point is that he is presidential material.
Barak Obama, if elected president, can do the job. Obviously there are those who don't like the way he would carry out the presidency, but he can do it.
If tragedy occurs and Joe Biden is called on to replace Obama as President, as he has said, he will continue Obama's policies. He can do the job too. There is no doubt of this, just that there are those that disagree with how he would do it.
Clinton, the Bushes, Kerry, Gore, Cheney, etc. Whether we agree with their politics or not, we all knew that they COULD run the country when they started running.
If Sarah Palin were to have to replace McCain as the President...
Yeah, just think about it.
She is ignorant of so many aspects of our country's issues and the rest of the world's issues. She does not belong there.
IF I WERE A REPUBLICAN, I would find offensive that my party was forcing this person down my throat and touting her to be this amazing pick. I would be mad and wonder how others in my party could actually be pleased and not disgusted. I would, of course vote for the McCain-Palin ticket, and just hope to God that John survives at least the next four years.
IF I WERE A REPUBLICAN WOMAN, I would also find it offensive that, of all the women to potentially be the first female vice president in history, a republican one at that and next in line for the presidency, my party picked one of the LEAST presidential women in politics today.
OK, I'm me again, not a republican or a woman anymore...
I listen to her talk and it infuriates me. I feel like she never actually answers a question with any modicum of intelligence and just spits out rhetoric. The people I really feel sorry for are those, republican or independent who actually just take her at her word and don't question her qualifications or knowledge. The sheep of society. The ones that automatically believe any ad they see on TV and allow the TV to vote for them.
I would say that I feel sorry for them if McCain and Palin win and after another 4 years they are even worse off. But I would not. It happens every time republicans get into office. They crap on the little people, like those making less than $250,000, 90% of the US population. They run up the national debt, don't give a damn about job losses, go to war, and give the rest of the world the idea that all "Americans" are just like them.
I would like to travel the world and be proud to say I am from the United States, but instead I feel the need to say "I'm from the US, but like the majority of our population, I don't like our president and did not vote for him" as a disclaimer or an apology for my country's failed leader. That is how I feel now and that is how I would feel if McCain and Palin win.
I feel like nobody in the international community likes us. We throw our military might around with no regard to international organizations and are at the forefront of screwing up the global economy. Republicans screw up the economy and Democrats balance the budget. It's like any republican president doesn't care because they are not the ones who are going to have to clean up the mess. If a Democrat comes in after, they'll spend most of their time fixing all the things the republicans messed up. Can we say "Clinton."
Refer to the blog entry Why Obama Will Win for more specifics.
How I am voting in Colorado
Click on the link for each and then click the "General Election Ballot Question" link to read the Amendment's Language. This goes to the Secretaty of State's Elections Page. Ballotpedia is a great site that gives an explanation and gives info about supporters and those in opposition.
These Amandments are scary because the language is, of course, law talk. Just reading the Amendment proposal its self once, without dissecting every word and phrase, can leave people with the wrong idea or just plain confused.
If you disagree with any of my choices, please let me know.
These Amandments are scary because the language is, of course, law talk. Just reading the Amendment proposal its self once, without dissecting every word and phrase, can leave people with the wrong idea or just plain confused.
If you disagree with any of my choices, please let me know.
No Longer on the ballot but will appear
on it because they were already printed
Amendment 53
Amendment 55
Amendment 56
Amendment 57
Amendment 46 - Prohibition on Discrimination and Preferential Treatment by Colorado Governments
I am voting NO because it "would end all affirmative action programs, including equal opportunity measures in higher education and public employment." (
"The measure is pushed by Ward Connerly, a black Republican who has been vilified by civil rights groups for supporting anti-affirmative action policies." (Rocky Mountain News)
Amendment 47 - Prohibition on Certain Conditions of Employment
I am voting NO because it takes away union rights
Amendment 48 - Definition of Person
I am voting NO because abortion must remain legal. McCain and Palin believe government should be smaller, support our freedoms, and give us choices in our lives. I believe, as the founding fathers did, that government is supposed to expand our rights, not take them away. Whatever your belief is, that is fine. Just don't take away others' rights.
"America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours." (The American President)
Amendment 49 - Limitation on Public Payroll Deductions
I am voting NO. "Public employee unions see this as the Independence Institutes's latest effort to undermine public-employee unions."(
I am voting NO because it "would end all affirmative action programs, including equal opportunity measures in higher education and public employment." (
"The measure is pushed by Ward Connerly, a black Republican who has been vilified by civil rights groups for supporting anti-affirmative action policies." (Rocky Mountain News)
Amendment 47 - Prohibition on Certain Conditions of Employment
I am voting NO because it takes away union rights
Amendment 48 - Definition of Person
I am voting NO because abortion must remain legal. McCain and Palin believe government should be smaller, support our freedoms, and give us choices in our lives. I believe, as the founding fathers did, that government is supposed to expand our rights, not take them away. Whatever your belief is, that is fine. Just don't take away others' rights.
"America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours." (The American President)
Amendment 49 - Limitation on Public Payroll Deductions
I am voting NO. "Public employee unions see this as the Independence Institutes's latest effort to undermine public-employee unions."(
***Changed my mind***
Amendment 50 - Limited Gaming
I am voting NO. On a second look, there two things. First, "If a tribe was to establish a new casino in the state it would not have to pay the taxes to support the community colleges, thereby sapping business away from the mountain towns and decreasing revenue for the community colleges.[4]"
I am voting NO. On a second look, there two things. First, "If a tribe was to establish a new casino in the state it would not have to pay the taxes to support the community colleges, thereby sapping business away from the mountain towns and decreasing revenue for the community colleges.[4]"
Second, "A state gaming regulator... Meyer Saltzman, ... stated concerns about a provision in the amendment that would take authority away from regulators to raise taxes on the industry.
Also see the comment below from Scott Yates from
Amendment 51 - State Sales Tax for Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
I am voting YES. 2/10 of a percent added to sales tax over the next two fiscal years. When I see someone with a developmental disability, think about how lucky and easy my life is. My mom works with that population. Check out the supporters. There is no organized opposition, only the premise that tax increases disproportionately affect poor people, but it's pretty small. (Extra $0.02 for every $10. Extra $.20 for every $100. Extra $2 for every $1000.) (ballotpedia)
Amendment 52 - Severance Tax - Transportation
I am voting NO. This would "...result in cuts in the programs that are funded by severance tax revenue now, including grants for water projects, clean energy projects, species conservation, mineral extraction administration, and low-income energy assistance.[1]" (Ballotpedia)
It would be "used only to fund the construction, maintenance, and supervision of public highways in the state, giving first priority to reducing congestion on the Interstate 70 corridor. (Ballotpedia)
The I-70 corridor sucks but I say find a way other that taking money away from clean energy projects and low-income energy assistance.
Amendment 54 - Restrictions on Campaign Contributions from Government Sole-Source Contractors
Amendment 51 - State Sales Tax for Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
I am voting YES. 2/10 of a percent added to sales tax over the next two fiscal years. When I see someone with a developmental disability, think about how lucky and easy my life is. My mom works with that population. Check out the supporters. There is no organized opposition, only the premise that tax increases disproportionately affect poor people, but it's pretty small. (Extra $0.02 for every $10. Extra $.20 for every $100. Extra $2 for every $1000.) (ballotpedia)
Amendment 52 - Severance Tax - Transportation
I am voting NO. This would "...result in cuts in the programs that are funded by severance tax revenue now, including grants for water projects, clean energy projects, species conservation, mineral extraction administration, and low-income energy assistance.[1]" (Ballotpedia)
It would be "used only to fund the construction, maintenance, and supervision of public highways in the state, giving first priority to reducing congestion on the Interstate 70 corridor. (Ballotpedia)
The I-70 corridor sucks but I say find a way other that taking money away from clean energy projects and low-income energy assistance.
Amendment 54 - Restrictions on Campaign Contributions from Government Sole-Source Contractors
I am voting NO. It could "take away the rights of people, like substitute teachers, firefighters and nurses, to participate in the political process."
I am voting YES. It lessens the tax breaks for oil companies and gives the money to scholarships. The Colorado production of oil is such a small part of the country's oils needs that it should not affect prices.
I am voting YES. Colorado doesn't do a good job of funding education. This guarantees funding for education more than the present system.
I am voting YES. "Would lower the age of a candidate for the Colorado House and Senate from 25 to 21." (Ballotpedia) Most other states have done this. A candidate will still have to "convince a majority, first of their party that they deserve the nomination, and then of the general electorate that they are the best candidate. It might inspire young people to pay more attention to politics." (Ken Gordon)
Referendum M - Elimination of Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Regarding Land Value Increase
Referendum M - Elimination of Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Regarding Land Value Increase
I am voting YES. The original provision prevented taking into account plantings like trees and hedges when assessing property value. (CO State Legislation) It is obsolete.
I am voting YES. This is funny. This resolution article seems to say that importing alcohol is illegal in the state of Colorado. (CO State Legislation) Definitely obsolete and not even followed anyway.
I am voting YES. "Would make it harder for citizens to place constitutional amendments on the ballot for voter approval but easier to call a vote on state statutes." (Ballotpedia) This way, crap like Amendment 48 - Definition of Person would need more signatures, as would a lot of these Amendments. More signatures means more people actually wanting it.
Democrats for all Representatives, etc
Um, I picket all Democrats for the senate, etc.
Keep all judges
2A and B YES
2E NO - no need to change
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Liquid Assets: The best performing investment plan yet!
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Delta Airlines one
year ago, you will have $49.00 today.
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in AIG one year ago,
you will have $33.00 today.
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Lehman Brothers
one year ago, you will have $0.00 today.
But, if you had purchased $1,000 worth of beer one year
ago, drank all the beer, then turned in the aluminum cans
for recycling refund, you will have received a $214.00 return.
Based on the above, the best current investment plan is to
drink heavily & recycle.
It is called the 401-Keg.
A recent study found that the average American walks about
1000 miles per year. Another study found that Americans drink,
on average, 30 gallons of alcohol a year(=6 beers per week). That means that,
on average, Americans get about 30 miles to the gallon!
Makes you proud to be an American!!!!
year ago, you will have $49.00 today.
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in AIG one year ago,
you will have $33.00 today.
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Lehman Brothers
one year ago, you will have $0.00 today.
But, if you had purchased $1,000 worth of beer one year
ago, drank all the beer, then turned in the aluminum cans
for recycling refund, you will have received a $214.00 return.
Based on the above, the best current investment plan is to
drink heavily & recycle.
It is called the 401-Keg.
A recent study found that the average American walks about
1000 miles per year. Another study found that Americans drink,
on average, 30 gallons of alcohol a year(=6 beers per week). That means that,
on average, Americans get about 30 miles to the gallon!
Makes you proud to be an American!!!!
(30 gal=3840 oz/12oz=3200z/52=6beers/week)
Friday, October 3, 2008
It's done. What does it mean?
Obvious the architects of these have a complete disconnect to what really matters. I do like Rum, though!
Biden, Palin face off
Full coverage from CNN. Watch the whole thing or in sections with the transcript here.
Take a look at discrepancies from BOTH...
The Whole thing here from CSPAN
See the true Maverick here... (0:31)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
VP Debate tonight!
What are their strategies?
"Following the initial enthusiasm after they were picked a month back, Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Sarah Palin have seemed to compete for who can commit the worst mistakes - Palin for her poor oratory or Biden for his excessive oratory." (Earth Times)
"Joe should not go after her at all, but only after McCain... She should be very aggressive, but primarily toward Obama." (Newsweek)
Everyone's saying they both should concentrate on NOT making news. Hopefully, it won't be too subdued.
Here's a preview of what's to come...
Couric on Palin and Biden: CBS 10/01/08 (5:46)
The Moderator
The moderator is Gwen Ifill who "moderated the vice-presidential debate between Republican candidate Dick Cheney and Democratic candidate Senator John Edwards.
Ifill is also writing a book called, "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama."
Um, oops... So she did the last VP debates. Although she is a great journalist, it is pretty obvious where her loyalties lie. She is also financially vested in Obama winning because her book will sell more copies if he wins on Nov. 4th, the release date for her book.
The problem is that this debate is going to be just as much about her as it is the candidates. If she shows an ounce of favoritism towards Biden, Republicans will call foul and it will be called an unfair biased attack. Also potentially bad for Biden is that she may feel compelled to NOT show any bias toward him and may even be harder that expected on him.
Palin definitely has the advantage going into this because anything that makes her look bad can be easily blamed on either Ifill's love of Obama or Biden's condescending nature. And is't not that hard for Palin to do just that all by herself.
Ifill's potential Impact??? (4:02)
Sub-Prime Market Explained...
What better way to explain complex economic issues than stick figures and Pink Floyd!
(This is actually the best explanation I've seen. REALLY!!!)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Palin should stop giving interviews
"Can we now admit the obvious? Sarah Palin is utterly unqualified to be vice president." Read the full article Palin Is Ready? Please.
Then watch these to back it up...
Sarah Palin Interview with CBS News' Katie Couric- Day 1 (5:35)
Sarah Palin Interview with CBS News' Katie Couric- Day 2 (7:22)
Then watch these to back it up...
Sarah Palin Interview with CBS News' Katie Couric- Day 1 (5:35)
Sarah Palin Interview with CBS News' Katie Couric- Day 2 (7:22)
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