Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Credit cards: Use them or lose them
A suggestion for using your credit card when you don't want to:
1. Find out when your cycle end date is. This is the date interest is charged and your statement is printed.
2. Let's say you have $200 budgeted for something for the next couple of weeks (food or gas or whatever). Just spend as you normally would, putting your purchases on the credit card.
3. Before your next month's close date*, pay off the balance so no interest accrues. You have used your card and lost nothing.
*Confirm the next month's close date because they will vary from time to time depending on the month, weekends, etc.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Cupcake Indicator
It took the government a year to tell us the economy was in a recession; here's how to tell when we're out of it... Full Article
10 things credit card issuers don't say
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Have your prayers done for you!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Yay... McCain goes after Ann Coulter!
Is your bank healthy? How to tell
Volunteer Vacations on a Budget
All alone? Get a group discount
repoWEr America
100% Clean Electricity in 10 years
The state of California is ready to take action to reduce global warming pollution from cars, and 13 other states are ready too.
The opposition has their sights set on slowing this progress -- arguing that statewide actions won't work and claiming that automakers don't need any encouragement to make cleaner cars.
We can't let the special interests block this much-needed action.
Your voice will make a difference. There's not much time left in the public comment period -- send your comment to the EPA right now:
This is what I wrote in the "(Optional) Add a personal note." Feel free to use mine or embelish on your own:
The fact that we are the most powerful and advanced country in the world and we are still driving gas guzzling polluting vehicles is absolutely pathetic. We have had the technology and ability to advance the auto industry to having highly efficient and clean vehicles for a while.
The auto industry would not be in the trouble they are right now if they had just made the advancements available to them. How disgusting is it that our species is being held back by greedy people who lack the vision of a more advanced future.
You are the Environmental Protection Agency... so protect our environment! Show the "fat cats" with no vision or desire to improve themselves or the world that their stagnant ideals of keeping the status quo are out dated, stale, and, frankly, un-American!
Friday, March 6, 2009
The Dow Predicts The President's Performance
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sex and The Obamas

"... Who knows what really happens in the privacy of the Obamas' bedroom, but there is an unmistakable erotic tension that emanates from Michelle and Barack Obama..."
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tell Congress: No more secret scores

Again, she gives resources to contact your congresspeople. I am keeping to my talk and have e-mailed and written Obama.
My next task will to write my representatives.
And Rediculous...
Man helped push 3 people out of path of pickup truck before being struck...
An Honest and Generous Banker!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Piyush "Bobby" Jindal
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
The quote Jindal refers to, "we may not be able to reverse" from Obama's article in the Washington Post, is taken out of context. I thought it was a good speech until then. The context is as follows:
"Because each day we wait to begin the work of turning our economy around, more people lose their jobs, their savings and their homes. And if nothing is done, this recession might linger for years. Our economy will lose 5 million more jobs. Unemployment will approach double digits. Our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse."
This is disappointing. Jindal is "considered a rising star in Republican ranks and a likely 2012 presidential candidate." Why, then, is he using the old tactics that McCain and Palin used of using things Obama said out of context to make it seem that he said something completely different. At first, I was wondering why the Associated Press reported that "Insane. Childish. Disaster." were some of the "kinder" words used as critiques, but the speech has "drawn flak from Republicans and Democrats alike."
It would also be nice for our elected officials to know the history of the US a bit better. I suppose that Jundal would also criticise the formation of the FDIC, SEC, Social Security, FHA and programs formed around the time of Roosevelt's creation of the New Deal in the midst and aftermath of the Great Depression. Many of the New Deal programs of the New Deal were eventually killed by conservatives, but they were OK with Social Security and the other aforementioned ones. It is obvious to most that the government must intervine because of the very fact that inaction will lead to a situation "we may not be able to reverse."
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A Fiscal Summit? How responsible!
Obama talks to congresepeople about their group discussions! The 1997 Balanced Budget Negotiations talks were the last time something like this was done. No wonder the US's budget is screwed up. Everyone gets together to really discuss it once a decade!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Eric Holder calls America "a nation of cowards" - incites ...
Michael Eric Dyson says Eric Holder's remarks on race and black history were courageous.
In remarks delivered Wednesday to the Justice Department to commemorate Black History Month, Attorney General Eric Holder offered one of the most courageous and honest speeches on American race by a political figure in quite some time... Full Article
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Do Something About It
My apologies for this ultimatum-type statement, but if the way consumers are being treated pisses you off, do something about it! By making this statement to you, I now have a responsibility to walk the walk and take action myself. It's great that I let you know how screwed up the system is from time to time, it would be nice to do something about it. This article has fantastic real world solutions.
Whether you take action or not, this is one of the best articles I have seen because it gives a great explanation of where consumerism has brought us and and our only real recourse.

"As businesses cheat us with hidden fees and crazy contract terms, our focus on beating 'the system' diverts attention from fixing it. But you can help change that." Full Article
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day from Experian!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Why the CEO salary cap is a joke

Monday, February 9, 2009
No Telemarketers On Your Cell Phone
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Best article about Phelps and, umm, other stuff
There is no bigger fan of racial double-standards than yours truly. But those of you looking for one inside Michael Phelps' bong are misguided, stuck in the 1960s and worship at the Church of Al Sharp-tongue... Full article

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Why I'm saving up $15,000 this year

Imagine if there was a lifestyle of saving in the US.
Imagine if people were more concerned with the amount of savings they had stashed away, instead of being obsessed with all the stuff there is to be had.
Imagine if the news was talking about how long people were able to live off their savings instead of how long people are waiting in line to get government assistance.
Imagine if people were more concerned with the amount of savings they had stashed away, instead of being obsessed with all the stuff there is to be had.
Imagine if, when people knew they wanted to buy something, they saved up for it instead of using credit and using all of their monthly income.
Us Americans are experts at using whatever money we have. If we get more, there is always something to buy and we'll find a way to use it. Our grand parents always told us to save money. They saw what happened on October 29, 1929. Why is it that the saying, “Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it” seems to be continually forgotten.
A modern take on posessions from Tyler Durden... (2:08)
5 steps to slash your property tax
Monday, January 26, 2009
Obama takes steps on car efficiency
EPA is told to review Bush policy; Clinton also to name climate envoy
WASHINGTON - Plunging into energy and climate change policies, President Barack Obama on Monday moved to give states a freer hand in curbing greenhouse gas emissions from cars, and to get his government moving on fuel-efficiency standards that could remake the auto industry.
Obama stressed that his goal was not... Full Article