Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm trying...really (McCain Military Record)

I have voted in every presidential election since I had the right to vote. Yes, I have been raised as a democrat, but also to question the status quo and be open minded. I have tried to be open minded when it comes to republican candidates and there have been some I actually would have been OK with, which is probably why they didn't get elected. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt but I also do my due diligence as far as finding out who they really are, just as I do with democrats.

I am trying not to be this way, but when you hear things, look them up and everything you see is supportive of what has been said, it begs the question... How can I not share? I was really inspired by Obama and Gore's speeches last night. For some reason, McCain has still got a "pass" in regards to his military service. The media, the politicians, everyone seems to be content to commend him on his service. It's one of the major points in McCain's bid for president but...

McCain was a crappy officer and pilot. (Remind you of anyone?) The following links are the results of a Google search for McCain's military record. At first, I thought, "so he got shot down and was a POW and broke under the pressure." It cannot have been an easy ride and he's not Rambo. I have never believed that made him fit to be president, but shit happens in war and he made it through. There is something to be said for that. I really, truly did this search to get an idea of his service, thinking that it would be a somewhat normal service record of a Navy pilot. Plus he flew a bad ass plane (see pic below). Nothing in the media had dwelled on it so I figured it would be relatively boring, showing he was an average pilot who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Unfortunately it is quite the opposite. All these links basically say the same thing from different sources. Just read one and you'll get the idea. When I read the first article, I thought "grain of salt," it's the internet after all. Everything I found, though, says the same thing and I have found nothing to the contrary despite an ardent search. (Google Search: mccain military record)

Fact Sheet: Military Record of John Sidney McCain III

McCain's Military Record Shows He Is Unfit To Be President

He also doesn't want any POW information to ever get out...

Again, find me something about Obama like this and I'll put it out there. I am trying to be as unbiased as possible but it is hard. Here's one though: read the link about POWs and you'll see why Kerry is on my shit list now. pass it on...

Friday, August 15, 2008

mmm... McCain

Pardon my politics, but...

John McCain - Lost in Space ***MUST SEE***

oh, and

McCain: Worse than you think

and... um...

Make McCain Disavow His Dishonest Obama Ad

What can you do about this? Let everyone you know, especially those who don't know the candidates. Again, I hate to spit my political views out to you, but remaining silent about this is just not in my nature. There were even a couple of republican candidates who showed merit in my eyes, but this guy is a straight out liar, plain and simple. VOTE! Get OTHERS to VOTE! For the determined...

John McBush

Panda Bears are cute though...

*** If the content of this message was offensive in any way, please let me know and I will not send you any more messages of this sort.

*** I am trying to be balanced and have been looking for things like this on Obama. Not having any luck. If you find anything, please let me know.